Martin Ceramics is Live

Here’s Pancake giving me his favorite toy (which is really just the inside of a toy)

Here we go—Jon is about to rant about how much he loves pottery again... buckle up! This is the part where some of you close the window or lose interest. Or maybe you didn’t even click on this one to begin with. Nevertheless, don’t worry—this isn’t a long, detailed blog about glazes and dip times (but if that’s what you’re looking for, I’ve got a place for you!).

This is more of a shameless cross-promotion for my other site, Martin Ceramics. I felt like my ceramics didn’t quite belong on my personal site, so I created a dedicated space for all things pottery. I don’t expect everyone to rush over there, but if you’re one of us—someone who can’t get enough of clay, kilns, and glazes—then you might enjoy it!

The site features:

  • A blog just like this one, with in-depth breakdowns of each collection and project.

    • Most recent post here if you are interested.

  • A shop where you can find all my latest work (I promise I’ll update it regularly this time).

  • A section about who we are—including the dogs, cats, and chickens (coming soon!).

  • Some more shameless promotion of my wife’s pottery.

  • Info on events, art shows, and exhibits we attend—or that fellow potters are involved in.

I hope it becomes a helpful and inspiring space, or at the very least, a fun distraction from the day.

That’s it—just a quick post to say how grateful I am for the time I get to spend on this passion and for all of you who support it. Thank you!

Byeeee! Happy potting.

Coming soon, teeeny cups and small tumblers

